Friday, September 17, 2010

I Need New Music

I've grown somewhat tired of my current music collection, regardless of the fact that I have over 17,000 songs on my laptop...  If you've got any music I may be interested in, feel free to post a comment.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My School Site

For my Computer Applications class (which is likely somewhat below my level of experience), I created a new personal website.  I think it's very nice, and blalalabl sjdl kf jlskd fjsl...

There it is!
CLICK HERE (big long url)

Please don't spend too much time on this site, as it is run off of a small server, and I assume could be overloaded quite easily.  Large PHP scripts (like the countdown or Hangman game), especially may take a lot of server power to execute.

For server stats, click here. (this is quite laggy too)

CloudOS Servers Down

Unfortunately, after much effort, CloudOS 1.9 and 2.0b servers remain down, thanks to our hosting provider.  I am still working to fix this problem, but I can't say I expect a solution to be presented any time soon...  I may, if necessary, switch to using the Alanaktion Beta Development Server, which has never actually been accessible to the public, as the CloudOS hosting server, as it has powerful script and database processing abilities, and is not directly connected to any of our other servers, further increasing its capabilites.  If I make any progress whatsoever, I'll be sure to post.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Free iTunes Store Codes

This link will allow you and me to get free money for your iTunes account.

Thursday, September 2, 2010 Update

After some work a while back, I can't remember when for sure, I completed version 3.2, which introduced some nice dynamic pages with glass styles.  Now that I've had my fun with version 3, I've started development of version 4, codenamed "Interface4".  This will be a revolutionary new approach at a dynamic web site, using a consistently themed, minimalistic interface to access every feature of the powerful web site.  You can see what progress has been made (if any) at